Referring Doctors


Our practice has committed to raising awareness within the community on the dangers associated with excessive snoring and the health consequences of untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). We have observed that many of our patients suffer from sleep disordered breathing and will need a physician consult for associated comorbidities and referrals for sleep studies.

At Cambria Dental Sleep Medicine we offer OAT for those patients that are unable to wear Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). OAT may also be a great alternative in treating snorers and mild to moderate OSA cases. There has also been success with severe OSA patients who have used OAT in combination with their CPAP to help keep the pressure at a more tolerable level.

We are also happy to work with patient’s medical insurance for this therapy, which is commonly reimbursed for patients who meet criteria.

Part of our protocol is to maintain constant communication with any physician that our patients are in the care of with progress reports.

Our goal is to establish long term relationships with your practice and build a dynamic referral network. Our office follows the referral and treatment protocols from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine to ensure that our patients have physician oversight.


Prior to oral appliance therapy (OAT), it is important to verify that your patient has had a dental exam within the past six months, has no current dental infection and no anticipation of extensive restorative dental or orthodontic care within the next six months excluding fillings.

To ensure you are informed of this patient’s care, we will routinely provide progress reports on OAT including visits for long-term follow-up and management of side effects.

Should we find that any dental needs arise during our care, we will refer back to you for any treatment you deem appropriate.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would let us know of any side effects or concerns regarding OAT that are brought to your attention. We would be happy to discuss our treatment protocol with you if you have any questions or concerns.

If you have any questions please call (717)737-4337 or fax referrals and supporting documentation (Letters of Medical Necessity and Prescriptions) to (717)737-7918.